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Farmer Ganpat Rao instantly became rich as his father sold a land. Later he
got engrosed in bad habits like drinking and smoking. He was living with his
family in Adgaav, Aurangabad, Maharashtra. Everyday Ganpat use to meet
Rukmani who is a sex worker. Savita files a police complaint and Cops find
his dead body. Cops visit the bar where he used to drink.
Cops meet Ganpat's friends. Cops doubt on 2 labours who were digging well
outside his house. What was the real motive behind killing Framer Ganpat Rao
Shirole? Who was suppose to give them the money?
>The Inside Story >
AURANGABAD: Fed up with her husband's reckless spending after he came into
money, a 32-year-old woman from Adgaon near here allegedly hired two men for
Rs 50,000 to kill him. The woman, Sunita Daspute, was arrested by the
Aurangabad rural police on Tuesday. Assistant police inspector Sandeep Gurme
of the Chikalthana police station said that the murdered man, Baburao (35),
had received his share of Rs 23 lakh after his father sold seven acres of land
in Nipani village for Rs 76 lakh a few months back. "Baburao spent part of the
money to buy 12 acres of land. However, he also began spending heavily on
female 'tamasha' artistes, alcohol and buying vehicles. He also started living
away from home," Gurme said.
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According to Gurme, Baburao had bought a car recently which he soon sold for
half the price to buy a motorcycle. He later sold the motorcycle to buy
another one. He also bought a tractor by taking a loan, which his father ended
up repaying. He later bought another tractor. Sunita told the police that she
decided to eliminate her husband to secure her future and that of her
children. She hired two youths, who were digging a well in her farm, to kill
Baburao and promised them Rs 25,000 each. Accordingly, they hatched a plan to
kill him on the day of the village jatra on January 19. Gurme said the two
youths told Baburao that they would introduce him to a woman during the jatra.
They asked him to meet them at a certain place in the evening. "Baburao was
drunk when he reached the spot on his motorcycle. One of the youths then rode
pillion on Baburao's motorcycle while the other followed them to a deserted
spot on the Adgaon-Nipani road. There, the youths hit Baburao on the head
repeatedly with a wooden plank, killing him on the spot.
They then threw the body and the bike on the roadside to make it look like an
accident," Gurme said. The killers were in constant touch with Sunita on her
cellphone, telling her to keep the money ready. She had paid them just Rs 500
as an advance amount. The police found Baburao's body and also received a
tip-off about Sunita's involvement in the crime. Under interrogation, she
confessed to having hired the killers. "The police solved the case under the
guidance of superintendent of police Manoj Lohiya and sub-divisional police
officer Pallavi Barge," Gurme said. Sunita has been remanded to police custody
till January 29.
Thanks To:
>http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-01-26/pune/28357258_1_police-custody-youths-motorcycle >