Crime Patrol: Cops solve astrologer’s murder case, arrest three (Episode 256, 257 on 8th, 9th June 2013)

Part 1

Part 2

The Inside Story
Nov 22, 2012,

Cops solve astrologer’s murder case, arrest three

Different enemies ganged up to plan the murder, arrange shooters

The police today claimed to have worked out the case of VIP astrologer Ramesh Tiwari's murder after arresting three men in Jaunpur district.

Tiwari was shot dead by two motorcycle-borne youths in police uniform using a carbine and a pistol outside his house in Oonchgaon village of Sarpataha area on November 15. Additional DG (ADG) Law & Order Arun Kumar said Tiwari and his brothers had disputes over different matters with some people in the area who formed a group and hatched the murder conspiracy.

The disputes over panchayat elections, contract for construction of Kasturba Gandhi school in Oonchgaon and altercation with some locals during the last few months have come out as reasons behind Tiwari's murder, said the ADG. He said that three conspirators — Vijay Bahadur Singh, Kaushal Kishore Singh and Virendra Bahadur Singh alias Dadhi — who provided shelter to the shooters have been arrested while six others are absconding. They are Dhirendra Singh, his father Jharkhandi Singh, Amit alias Pandit and Lalshanker Upadhyay alias Bachai and the two shooters.

The police said that Dhirendra, who owns Maa Tara nursing home in Jaunpur city, was the main conspirator.

His father had lost election of gram pradhan to Tiwari's father Rajendra Prasad in the last panchayat election. This had led to an enmity between Tiwari and Dhirendra.

Tiwari and his brothers also had an altercation with Bachai and Amit of their village over contract of construction of a school building.

To settle score with Tiwari, Dhirendra and others planned the murder and hired the shooters. The shooters stayed at Dhirendra's associates (Virendra's) house in Oonchgaon while Vijay Bahadur, Bachai and Virendra's nephew Kaushal conducted recce with the shooters. Bachai informed the shooters about Tiwari's presence outside his house, while Vijay Bahadur made calls to others giving information about the murder, said police.

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Nov 22, 2012,

Jaunpur police cracks astrologer murder case

LUCKNOW: The Jaunpur police and the Special Task Force (STF) on Wednesday claimed to have solved the high-profile astrologer Ramesh Tewari murder case by arresting three persons who allegedly plotted the killing. Tewari, who had links with a number of top politicians, businessmen and bureaucrats, was shot on November 15 in front of his ancestral house at Oonchgaon village in Jaunpur, 225 km from Lucknow.

Investigators say Tewari's meteoric rise had left his rivals in the village envious. More so because, using his contacts in the corridors of power, Ramesh had allegedly started taking active interest in each and every dispute of the village. The envy turned into bitter rivalry and this eventually resulted in the crime executed by contract killers from Azamgarh, the police say.

Additional director general (law & order) Arun Kumar said investigations were under way to round up the remaining five accused. "We have some details of the contract killers who executed the killing but we are not identifying them as it may hamper further investigations," he said. The ADG however confirmed that the killers hailed from the region adjoining Azamgarh district.

What has shocked the investigators is the fact that almost 20 families of the village were aware of the murder conspiracy for at least two days before the crime took place. "The assailants had even visited the village on November 13 with a local resident Bachai Upadhyay and held a detailed recce of Tewari's house and the roads leading out of the village to trace the getaway routes in case of any emergency," said Jaunpur police chief Manzil Saini. "Later they were introduced to Vijay Bahadur Singh - the former pradhan of Bhiti Amari village in Qadipur police circle of Sultanpur district. The duo spent the night at Bahadur's house," Saini said.

On November 15, the assailants again reached Oonchgaon with Vijay and met Bachai Upadhyay. Thereafter, the two contract killers were escorted to the venue of a Ram Leela that was to be inaugurated by Ramesh in the evening. The assailants saw his from close quarters there. Thereafter, they were escorted to the house of the Oonchgaon's former pradahn Jharkhande Singh -- one of the main rivals of Ramesh. "The assailants spent the night at the house of Virendra Singh alias Dardhi in the same village," said Saini, who spearheaded the investigations.

On the day of the murder, the duo left Virendra's house even before the day-break on a brand new Discover motorcycle they had bought a day before. Bachai Upadhyay followed suit. Bachai deputed a local resident Kaushal Kishore (a nephew of Virendra Singh) to inform him when Ramesh comes out of his house to meet the villagers -- a daily routine that the astrologer followed without fail during his stay in the village. Once Kaushal Kishore informed Bachai about Ramesh's presence outside his house, he signaled the assailants who reached the spot and shot him from a very close range.

The breakthough came after investigators discovered a call made from the Oonchgaon village some 20 minutes before the murder. The call was traced to a local resident Kaushal Kishore. The person who received the call was Bachai who was at that time present with the contract killers.

"Police have arrested Vijay Bahadur Singh, Virendra Bahadur alias Dardhi and his nephew Kaushal Kishore and efforts are on to trace and arrest the remaining accused, including the assailants. Apart from Jharkhande Sigh, his son Dhirendra Singh was also actively involved in the conspiracy and some more names are expected to come to light once we nab the accused identified so far," Manzil Saini said. "We have conflicting information about the amount of money paid for the killing and the names who contributed the money. However, it's confirmed that a hefty amount was paid for the crime," she said.

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मुलायम के पुजारी की हत्‍या के साजिशकर्ता ने किया सरंडर

जौनपुर। प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव के पिता मुलायम सिंह यादव के पुजारी तांत्रिक रमेश तिवारी हत्याकांड के मुख्य साजिशकर्ता ने मंगलवार को आत्म समर्पण कर दिया। इस आत्म समर्पण के बाद मुख्य न्यायिक दण्डाधिकारी ने उसे 14 दिन की पुलिस रिमाण्ड में भेज दिया। ज्ञात हो कि तीन अन्य आरोपी पहले ही समर्पण कर चुके हैं। पुलिस के अनुसार जिले के सरपतहां क्षेत्र के ऊंच गांव निवासी ज्योतिषी एवं तांत्रिक रमेश तिवारी की गत 15 नवम्बर को पुलिस वर्दीधारी दो अज्ञात बदमाशों ने कार्बाइन से फायर कर हत्या कर दी थी। इस हाईप्रोफाइल हत्याकाण्ड की जांच प्रदेश के अपर पुलिस महानिदेशक (कानून व्यवस्था) अरुण कुमार के नेतृत्व में हो रही थी। गत सप्ताह इस मामले में तीन आरोपी पकड़े गये थे जबकि दो शूटरों सहित सात लोग फरार चल रहे हैं। पुलिस की घेराबन्दी व दबाव के कारण मुख्य साजिशकर्ता धीरेन्द्र सिंह ने सीजेएम नरेन्द्र बहादुर प्रसाद के न्यायालय में आत्मसमर्पण कर दिया। सीजेएम ने चौदह दिन की न्यायिक अभिरक्षा में उसे जेल भेज दिया है। इस बीच अभियोजन के अनुसार इस हत्याकांड के तीन आरोपियों कौशल किशोर सिंह, वीरेन्द्र बहादुर सिंह उर्फ दाढ़ी और विजय ङ्क्षसह को सीजेएम ने सुबह दस बजे से 30 नवम्बर को सुबह दस बजे तक 48 घंटे पुलिस रिमांड पर देने का आदेश दिया। गौरतलब है कि मृतक तिवारी मुलायम सिंह के पारिवारिक पुजारी हुआ करते थे जिस कारण उनकी हत्या के बाद ही पुलिस के आला अधिकारी सक्रिय हो गए। पुलिस के दबाव के बाद हत्यारोपियों ने अदालत में समर्पण तो कर दिया लेकिन इससे पुलिस को काफी मायूसी हो गयी कि आखिर उन्हें सीधे तौर पर पूछताछ का मौका नहीं मिला। सूत्र बताते हैं कि तिवारी की हत्या चुनावी रंजिश के कारण हुई जबकि पुलिस का कहना है कि इसके पीछे कुछ और कारण हैं।

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